Wendy Bourton
Wendy’s current focus is supporting community services that sustain, nourish and nurture peoples‘ interests and lives. Wendy was awarded the OBE for Services to the Communities in Wales in 2006.
Wendy is passionate about communities and social justice. She has spent much of her professional career addressing the challenges of housing in an aging and diverse society. She was involved in the Care & Repair movement from its inception in Wales; as Chief Executive of Care & Repair Cymru for 15 years she led the growth and expansion of the agency services.
Wendy’s expertise and experience has been recognised through numerous Public Appointments including Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Forum – The National Partnership Forum for Older People in Wales and as Non Executive Member of three Health Boards, Cardiff, Caerphilly and Anuerin Bevan Health Board. She has enjoyed a life volunteering within the charitable sector for women’s groups, housing, age concern, Shelter Cymru, community groups and allotment societies.
Since 2019 Wendy has been a trustee for Dinas Powys Voluntary Concern.
In 2016 Wendy became the Group Chair for Pobl Housing, Care and Support group. She finished her term of office September 2022.
Chris Corner
Chris has a diverse background of knowledge and experience and has previously held roles in sectors including art and design, the health sector and hospitality.
Chris is a qualified life coach who is trained in an approach based on the Sydney Banks 3 principles. He is passionate about helping individuals on a 1-1 basis and enabling them to reach their full potential. Chris understands the sanctity of the coaching relationship in order to improve and achieve one's goals. Working closely with the client at all times, creating the optimum environment and conditions for insights and realisations to enable individuals to see beyond the illusion of limiting beliefs.
Chris previously owned his own business and is a strong leader who is committed to motivating others.
As an individual his focus is on family life, alongside self education and improvement. He is excited to be a part of the Printhaus community.
Doreen Murray
Doreen is passionate and committed in supporting individuals and organisations to develop their full potential.
She has over 20 years experience of both working and volunteering within the public and third sector. This includes the National Assembly for Wales, Welsh Assembly Government, Housing Associations and the Criminal Justice Service.
Doreen has strong skills and is deeply knowledgeable about the psychologically informed environment practice.
As a leader her personality and motivational strengths have enabled Doreen to be considered a progressive influencer.
She also has a strong record of volunteering for organisations including The Samaritans, Youth Justice Service, Cardiff leaving care (16-24) and New Pathways.
As a trustee she has been involved with Futures Theatre Company and Taking Flight Theatre company.